This rubber isolation pad has a very important function as a tread plate cushion. The stepping plate is a concrete construction on the approaching road at the end of the bridge's edge (oprit) which functions to even out the load due to vehicles on the bridge's lip thereby reducing ground pressure against the abutment wall. We provide various sizes and specifications for the rubber sheet isolation pad, one of which is the following:
• Length: 12000 mm
• Width: 200 mm
• Height 20 mm
• Standardization of SNI
• The SIGTECH brand
Is a type of rubber sheet or rubber roll made of natural rubber or natural rubber which is vulcanized with a special formula to support the superstructure of the bridge. Placed lengthwise under the girder and above the pier head or bridge abutments. This rubber isolation pad is used in many construction applications such as precast and prestressed concrete bridges, structural steel and building applications, as well as machinery, equipment foundations, railroad tie bearings, and shock and vibration isolation. Sell ​​Rubber Sheet Bearings made using a controlled mixture of quality-tested rubber.
We accept orders for various sizes and types of rubber sheet rubber rolls / rubber sheets in large quantities.
Please contact us and get attractive prices.
Greetings, Construction Friends!