Expansion Joint Strip Seal SIG SS-50 is a type of open bridge connection, precisely the type of Single Gap Expansion Joint that has one space or cavity on the connection, the EJ Strip Seal gap gap is 50 dilatable gap widths formed from steel, spacer, and rubber profile components seal. This EJ is used to meet the needs of the KM 110 Purbaleunyi Toll Road project, especially for road girders. SIGTECH has been trusted to meet the needs of both open and closed EJ bridge connections.
The following datails for the SIG SS-50 Joint Strip Seal Expansion:
- GAP width: 50
- Brand: SIGTECH
- SNI Standards
- Component Material: Profile steel, Anchor Loop, Rubber Seal
For information and ordering Expantion Joint in custome according to your needs, please contact us.